The trust and satisfaction of our customers is our priority. Whether it's engineering service or CAD consulting , we'll find an individual solution and service for your company!
Daniel Geiser
On hand with help and advice
"The assessment of the current situation and the resulting neutral tips have sharpened our focus and saved us from making ill-considered incorrect decisions.
The practical approach, including thinking outside of the box, is why we can recommend AV-Line to our industry colleagues time and time again."
Julius Blum GmbH
Benchmark for professional, motivating collaboration!
"The team demonstrated excellent technical understanding and comprehensive carpentry expertise in the workshop for the requirements analysis and in the SWOOD application. Their well-thought-out assessment of the technical consequences led to efficient implementation according to the "delivered as ordered" principle. The solution modules provided by AV-Line proved to be plug & play and were integrated with just a few well-supervised steps, which generally meant that time-consuming error corrections and repair loops were unnecessary. Even friction caused by external influences or late requirements did not throw the complex SWOOD integration off track and irregularities were quickly identified. The prompt cost allocation based on the work packages proposed at the beginning provided additional transparency."
Hauser Holzbearbeitung
Effizienz und Flexibilität in AV + Produktion - Über 2,5 Jahre erfolgreiche Partnerschaft
"Seit über 2,5 Jahren arbeiten wir sehr erfolgreich mit AV-Line zusammen. Der Einstieg erfolgte mit der maßgeschneiderten Anbindung unserer Produktion an das hauseigene CAD-System von AV-Line. Seither liefert AV-Line perfekt auf unsere Bedürfnisse abgestimmte Daten, die eine einfache Integration in unsere Systeme ermöglichen. Von Stücklistenexporten über CNC-Daten mit spezifischen Makros und Materialinformationen bis hin zu 3D-Viewer-Daten und 2D-Zeichnungen.
Dank dieser effizienten Lösungen können wir Produktionsengpässe frühzeitig abfangen und unsere AV-Abteilung flexibel skalieren. AV-Line ist für uns ein zuverlässiger Partner, der uns hilft, unsere Produktionsprozesse kontinuierlich zu optimieren."
AV 4.0 - An absolutely professional overall concept!
“AV-Line impressed us with its professional way of working and your implementation concept. Even details were taken into account and practical solutions were developed. As an result, we will make a quantum leap in our work preparation and production.”
Accurate to the millimeter
"It took us almost a whole year to finish the interior of a 500 square meter two-storey residential unit in the HI END sector. But the precise planning and work preparation were absolutely worth it.
Our production and our assembly team were more than impressed that everything went so smoothly and that the dimensions were right down to the millimeter."
Rabe interior design
"What makes AV-Line and the team around Markus Faust stand out from the crowd of consultants is the deep understanding of the needs and underlying conditions in the carpentry trade. Together with a great feel for the people behind the company, Markus Faust is able to respond to our technical, organizational and strategic questions on a very individual basis."
Perfect advice and detailed weak point analysis by AV-Line!
"We carried out process check online. We were emailed "homework" in advance, which we worked on and served to prepare for our two appointments. This enabled Mr. Faust to prepare optimally and get the best out of the two appointments. The open and honest analysis across various fields of activity, enabled us to identify weaknesses in processes."
Brammertz GmbH
Take off in record time
"After purchasing our 5-axis CNC, our goal was to establish consistency between CAD, work preparation and machine connection as quickly as possible. Thanks to the professional support from AV-Line, we achieved this goal in the shortest possible time. Special requests were also implemented during programming . As a result we can record even complicated designs in CAD and pass them on to the machining center."
Schreinerei Bauereiß GmbH
Efficient processes for the future!
"We had major challenges in implementing processes and procedures and often in an overly complicated way. However, through our joint project with Markus Faust, we were able to achieve significant improvements that had a positive impact on the entire company. Our processes became leaner and more efficient.
I can only recommend AV-Line with Markus Faust for optimizing company processes. It will take our company to a new level and prepare us for the challenges of the future. Many thanks to the team for the excellent work!"
Stapelbroek GmbH
Complex project mastered
"The holistic concept encouraged us to have the selection and introduction of SolidWorks, SWOOD and PDM handled by AV-Line and not by a classic CAD reseller.. A very high degree of customizing was required in order to build on the BORM and AlphaCAM systems and not undermine the complex ERP structures. Here we were able to rely completely on AV-Line and count on an open and honest exchange on both sides. Now we have an extremely powerful CAD/CAM/ERP/PDM environment that is also fun to use. The training concept of the AV-Learn learning platform inspired and thoroughly impressed our employees."
PlanHandWerk GbR
Pointing the way for young business owners
"The entrepreneur boot camp with Markus showed us how important structures and the right definition of goals are for a well-run company. We have used the knowledge acquired to position our company and organize our processes. As a company that hasn't been on the market for very long, it's great to learn from someone who has already experienced the ups and downs of the start-up phase."